Please click any of the bolded, underlined links below for information on those topics. These are our Informative Guides to help you know which products we use for our babies and adults. We want to assist you in your research on which items we feel is best for your baby. The best way to make informed decisions about items for your babies is to read our Guides and combined with research you've already done, you'll know what choices are best for your family. 

Don't forget to complete your Adoption Application!

And please also enjoy some pictures of our babies in their homes!

Also please check out Millermeade Farm's Critter Connection - .Specializing in Quality Hedgehogs where we have been lucky enough to collaborate on numerous hedgehog related articles. You can find an article on pretty much anything hedgehog related here and of course you can always come to us first for any questions you may have as we offer lifelong support for you!


Prickly Pet Parents
